Monday, 22 October 2007

Now Please Don't All Shout At Once

Please don't all shout at once, I can already hear your thoughts. This post is completely and utterly non food related, but I just couldn't stop myself entering this in my blog.

Those of you who already know me will be aware that I have a 10 year old Irish Setter named Eric whom I adore. After much deliberation my family and I decided it would be greatly beneficial to both Eric and us if we got another Irish Setter, but, believe you me it took a great deal of planning and writing of pros & cons lists and SWOT analysis.

Murphy the 8 week old Setter pup was brought home yesterday and much to our amazement Eric immediately took to him, wanting to wash him and play with him, he even brought some of his toys out to 'give' to Murphy; it was such a cute and emotional experience, I have to admit I shed a few tears over it all. We'd been advised by the breeder, several other dog owners and our Vet that the response from Eric would go one of two ways i.e. he would either completely ignore him or he would be quite grumpy and domineering. How wonderful it was when he was completely different - just placid and very friendly.

Unfortunately I had to work the night shift (again) but when I left home both Eric and Murphy were curled up next to each other sleeping and when I called home to check on them around 11pm, they were still in the same place, aww bless.

Needless to say I can't wait to get home and see them both again, even just writing this has made me 'well up' again.

Now for a few photos


Anonymous said...

That is just fantastic. I welled up too, just reading it and then seeing the photo's, I know want to be YOU.
Love to you all, redheads included, Hottie

Leigh Russell said...

I'll be honest, it was the mention of a walnut whip that made me read on.... but it was worth it. When I was small, my dad used to bring me and my sister a walnut whip every Friday. What sort of fiction do you read? And well done for writing a cookery book yourself. I'm full of admiration!

Ms O said...

Oh, George both dogs are adorable! How great that worked out so well. You must be so pleased.

Lea xx

Valerie Harrison (bellini) said...

Such a cute story!! It brought a huge smile to my face. What a nice way to start the day!

Paola Westbeek said...

This was wonderful to read. Those doggies are gorgeous.
